What causes Rosacea?

There is little knowledge about what causes Rosacea, a skin condition characterised with redness and inflammation on the nose and cheeks and in extreme cases the forehead and chin. What we do know is that we can treat Rosacea underlying issues by feeding our skin and our gut!

Our skin

Our skin is telling us there is a problem and it is showing up in our face! Rosacea is becoming a very common problem and in most cases is being treated with harsh chemical treatments, which cause further inflammation, antibiotics or steroids all of which do not help the problem and often make it worse, as the core problem has not been correctly identified.

Inflammation in the skin is a biological response to harmful toxins and is a protective response by the skin to remove the toxin and begin the healing process. It is characterised by pain, redness, heat, swelling and disturbance of normal function. The skin barrier function has become sensitised and very reactive to ingredients and irritants both topically and internally. When treating rosacea it is vital to treat the inflammation by using skin care that will calm, repair and strengthen the skin and its immunity.

The underlying issue is in our digestive and immune system, which have become compromised due to intolerances to chemicals, foods, preservatives, colourants, additives, alcohol, spicy food and yeast over growth (candida). Adrenal stress and hormonal imbalances also play a role in rosacea symptoms.

Gut health

The gut is the first line of defence for the immune system. A large number of health concerns and diseases can be traced back to an overload of toxicity from stress, an unhealthy diet and excessive exposure to chemicals and pollutants in the environment. And all of these are integral to your gut and digestive health. Modern research shows that beneficial bacteria help balance the gut flora in your digestive system and reduce the levels of toxic pathogens that cause ill health.


Research suggests that 95% of serotonin neurotransmitters and feel-good hormones come from our gut rather than our brain, and 85% of our immune system is manufactured in the lining of our gut wall.* So a compromised gut does more than interfere with digestion, it may also alter your immune system and upset your hormonal balance. Dysbiosis can even make it difficult for you to think clearly and is known to cause anxiety, depression and mood swings. If you have a dysbiosis you may experience immune imbalances such as an increase in colds, allergies, autoimmune disorders, skin rashes, rosacea, fatigue, headaches, intestinal upsets and a slower ability to heal.

Good Digestion

Every 5 days the lining in your gut turns over, giving your body the chance to create a new and healthy environment full of good bacteria. This beneficial bacteria help break down foods and extract essential vitamins and minerals from what we consume. They are responsible for our production of vitamins and assimilation, cholesterol metabolism, controlling glucose levels and normalising bowel motions. It is important to rebuild a healthy gut and digestive system as this helps the body rid itself of toxins and provide essential nutrients for healing. When gut health is restored the health benefits, include lower cholesterol, efficient digestive function and a stronger immune system.


*Sourcing: Dr Michael Gershon, The Second Brain, 1999.

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